Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Brain Function

In the process of remembering, the brain plays a big role. The brain can be divided into left brain and right brain. Left brain functions associated with logic, numbers, writing, intelligence, calculation, analysis, and for short-term memory (short term memory). Meanwhile, our right brain diguakan for creativity, imagination, music, colors, shapes, emotions, and for long-term memory (long term memory).

Memories will be more lasting if the recall using the right brain. To be able to remember well, need to train the brain to function optimally. Unfortunately, more people are using left brain in the process of remembering. The left brain is more developed most people without a balanced development of the right brain. Because the left brain is short-term memory, then the information stored in the left hemisphere would be more easily forgotten.

Therefore, if you want to keep in the right brain, the information must be transformed into a story or picture. Because the right brain does not recognize text or numbers. Exercises required in order to develop the right brain. There are several techniques that can be done.

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